
Life’s too short not to work on purpose.  No matter what age you are, there is no better time than right now to work towards creating a future that aligns with you.

Coaching Approach

We help you to tap into your purpose, strengths and your whole-body wisdom to develop skills for long-term excellence.  Each coaching engagement is customized with the level or structure and accountability that work for your needs. We incorporate practices and techniques to nurture mind, body and soul. We also leverage tools such as HeartMath, the Enneagram and the HBDI (Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument) among others to deepen self-awareness and self-development.

 Types of Shifts

From controlling manager to conscious leader

Helping HR and business leaders in fast-growing organizations learn to establish empathy and compassion for themselves and others to avoid burn-out and better serve their people.

From stuck in a job to thriving in a career

Helping individuals seeking to discover and pivot to a new career aligned with their their, values, strengths, aspriations and lifestyles.

From living on autopilot to living mindfully

Helping individuals at any stage of their life explore the questions they never had time to ask themselves such as:  Who am I? What does a well-lived life look to me?  How can I handle life’s uncertainty with my own strength and resiliency?

Take the next step!

Let's discuss how to make the shift for
your organization or for yourself.

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